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Senators insist on being ignored and suffocate the INAI

Senators insist on being ignored and suffocate the INAI

As this Monday is 319 days late to designate two commissioners of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (Inai), Itzel ChecaCoordinator of Citizen Observatory of Public Appointments once again urged the Senate of the Republic to unblock this process and accused a veiled intention of the legislators to cancel the Right of access to Public Information.

In interview for The Truth Newsthe activist and defender of Human rights recalled that to force the legislators to fulfill his obligationthe twelfth Collegiate Court of Justice Administrative determined a few days ago to instruct the Judge Celina Angelica Quintero of Mexico City, admit for processing a claim of protection promoted by him Inai Advisory Council to force the Senate to appoint the two missing commissioners.

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“Are stuck for two reasons, one is because they have forgotten that the key to understanding those designations is get them out of political capture of the Executive and of the political parties, and two, that it is a question of looking for the most qualified commissioners and not choose them by assigning quotas”, he explained.

He recalled that on March 31, his term ends on Commissioner Francisco Acuna and with his departure, there would be 3 commissioners missing so that a quorum can legally be declared in the INAI sessions

“The risk is that there would be no legal quorum so that the governing body -which is its plenary session- resolves the review appeals that are filed, and with this, it would deepen the opacity and non-delivery of public information, in addition to the fact that constitutional controversies could not be filed before any action that goes against the transparency

Faced with this situation, the Citizen Observatory of Public Appointments, insisted on questioning the responsibility of legislators to do their job

“We expect from senate an attitude responsible and we hope you don’t leave us in the gloombecause the actions of the authorities have not been characterized by openness and recognition of the work of the Inai. This scenario that is displayed is extremely risky and we hope that we do not get to that “

And in the Senate, they throw the ball

Questioned about the delay in the appointment of the two commissioners who are pending appointment for the Inai, the coordinator of the senators of Morena, Ricardo Monreal, explained that last December there was a agreement to vent the appointments but due to the lack of unity between the opposition not out. “Now, I must say, I am struggling more, even internally, in my parliamentary group.” For his part, the coordinator of the BREAD, Julen Rementeria, affirmed that Morena and her allies want to disappear at Inai.

“In practice they want it kill from starvation. It’s been more than one year and the succession of those who make up this body would have to take place so that it could keep it running“, said

For her part, the vice-coordinator of the PAN in the Senate, Kenya López Rabadán, He added that the Morena bench is only looking to hurt the country’s institutions.

“To the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador He does not like these institutions, since thanks to these organizations it is possible to know about the corruption that exists in Morena

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