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Senior taxi: Almost 3,000 safe trips last year

from left Andreas Wüstner (Ländletaxi), Christian Längle (Senecura Social Centers), Josef Gojo (Care Manager City of Hohenems) and Rene Mathis (Taxi Mathis)
©City of Hohenems

The offer from the city of Hohenems has been providing targeted and uncomplicated support in terms of mobility for seniors since 2021. Exactly 2,952 senior citizens’ taxis were issued in 2022 and enabled the oldest generation to get around safely in everyday life.

The senior taxi is very well received by customers and appreciated beyond measure: 371 people used the offer last year.

Hohenems senior citizens who, for health reasons, find it difficult to drive their own car or use public buses can purchase taxi vouchers specially provided for them.

Errands such as important purchases, urgent errands, etc. are easier and can be done independently: The taxi companies involved, Mathis and Wüstner, transport passengers from door to door with boarding aids if necessary; the use of rollators is possible.

A maximum of eight taxi vouchers, each with a value of seven euros, can be purchased per month: the buyer pays three euros as a cost contribution, another three euros for the city of Hohenems and one euro for the taxi company; a (partial) cash payment is not possible.

The vouchers are available at the reception in the town hall, at the town marketing office and in the Senecura social centres.

role model for the region

“The range of local public transport is already well developed and still not usable for everyone. With the senior taxi bons, we took another important step in 2021 for the mobility of our older fellow citizens. A big thank you goes to everyone involved in the project for this targeted measure, which has been extremely well received, as the usage figures for the past year show. We are very pleased about that,” explains Mayor Dieter Egger.

Eligible users for the senior taxi:

  • a) Without proof of eligibility: All seniors aged 75 years and older and all assisted residents in the Senecura social centers.
  • b) With proof of entitlement: Seniors over the age of 60 with permanent mobile restrictions can apply for a proof of entitlement to purchase the senior taxi bons.
    Proof of entitlement is issued in the city’s social department, Bahnhofstraße 1. To check for permanent mobility restrictions, the submission of the notification of care allowance, the disability card and other proof (medical reports) are permissible or necessary.

You can get more information from Anton Amann, Tel. 05576/7101-1134 or email!

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