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Seniors – Fasnat in Ludesch

Senior Fasnat
©Elmar Hepp

On February 2nd, the traditional Fasnatnotag of the SENIOREN took place in the Ludescher Valünasaal.

Jöri, Jöri, Räbaschwänz and Kriasistinker – Hoo

In Ludesch the seniors were “going on”, musically framed by the duo “Larifari”, the Valünasaal in Ludesch was full of “Mäschgerle”. “Kriasitstinker” from Thuringia with their chairman Franz Haid with wife and the Ludescher “Räbaschwänz” met for the common carnival activities, too Minister Martin Schanung didn’t miss the opportunity to celebrate with the seniors.

The whole festival, as nice as it started, started with a first big excitement, the Ludescher Seniors’ Chairman Elmar Hepp was surprisingly admitted to a retirement home and therefore could not come, so a board member had to do the greeting. But the excitement broke when a group of residents in the old people’s home, including the missing chairman, staggered onto the stage and demonstrated how savings should be made in old people’s homes.

Great laughter and applause accompanied this silent performance. herta and Hans delved into various everyday problems for the amusement of the guests, Willfried Mueller entertained the audience with the club’s own singing group and selected oldies. A happy afternoon with conversation, laughter, dance and joy, plus the delicacies from the kitchen and cellar of the Franzoi, what more could you ask for, the evening was almost too short for the party and dance enthusiasts. HAVE

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