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SEP prepares campaign against addictions: “If you take drugs, you kill yourself”

The Secretary of Public Education (SEP) from Mexico has recently announced a new campaign focused on the prevention of addictions in young people Bliss campaign bears by name “If you take drugs, you kill yourself” and its objective is to inform and raise awareness among young people about the risks and negative consequences caused by drug use.

Las bells schoolchildren They play an indispensable role in the educational environment, since they encourage the participation and commitment of students with their educational community. Through the campaigns, it is sought that students can acquire information and even awareness of certain relevant issues.

Education in Mexico has gone through several details in recent years. According to data from Statista, it is estimated that between April and August 2020, close to three million students in Mexico dropped out of school, mainly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And according to a survey carried out at the end of 2020, 26.6 percent of the students who decided not to enroll in the 2020-2021 school year considered that distance classes are not very functional for learning. The second most mentioned reason to justify why they did not continue their studies is that the parents or guardians lost their jobs.

SEP prepares campaign against addictions: “If you take drugs, you kill yourself”

The Secretary of Public Education, Leticia Ramírez Amaya, announced in a morning press conference of the president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador that on April 17 the campaign “If you get high, you’ll kill yourself” will begin, which aims to combat addiction and raise awareness about the dangers that drugs represent to health. This campaign is designed to reach secondary and high school students throughout the country, since it is evident that addictions usually arrive at an early age, partly due to the misinformation that exists on this subject. The program will be carried out in 770 public and private institutions. Information will also be disseminated with informative leaflets posted in schools, in addition to talking about the damage caused by drugs on radio and television.

The plan is for it to take place in the classroom for 15 minutes, three days a week or every day, where the harm caused by drugs will be discussed. It will be carried out in the subjects where this subject can be addressed, such as civic and ethical education, although the subject could be discussed in any subject.

“Teachers will have a guide on topics to deal with, such as fentanyl, it kills you the first time; methamphetamine, you get hooked; vapers, ‘they are toxic’; cannabis, if it harms you; tobacco affects you and everyone; alcohol, take care, do not start; benzodiazepines, they are not a game,” said the head of the SEP.

“We are asking teachers and teachers, at the next school council, on March 31, where they discuss educational issues, to consider the issue of ‘if you take drugs and get hurt,'” he added.

It is possible that this campaign makes a significant change in the young generation through the dissemination of information, unfortunately some begin to consume and discover the world of drugs from the age of 13 and with this, addictions become something difficult to eradicate .

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