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SEP: What are the changes after the Easter holidays?

As of Monday, April 17, a total of 29 million 710 thousand Basic Education students SEP and High School of all the entities of the country will return to the classrooms to begin the last evaluation period of the current School Year 22-23.

The Secretary of Public Education has announced some changes in the education of middle and high school students as part of the “Classroom Strategy: Addiction Prevention. If you take drugs, you hurt yourself.” As a parent or guardian, it is important that you are aware of these changes.

In the current 22-23 school year, there are 24 million 479 thousand 952 students in Basic Education and 5 million 230 thousand 594 students in Higher Secondary Education, all of them attended by 1 million 225 thousand 580 teachers in 232 thousand 966 schools.

What are the changes of the SEP for the return to school?

This Monday you return to schools more than 29 million students

The changes confirmed by the SEP as of Monday, April 17 will focus on the implementation of the “Classroom Strategy: Addiction Prevention. If you take drugs, you get hurt” in the subjects of Biology and Healthy Living, as well as Civic Education and Ethics.

Teachers will have at their disposal a guide, printed materials, infographics, audiovisuals, and graphic resources to help students understand the damage that toxic substances can cause.

Confirmed changes include at least 3 weekly interventions, which will take place for 10-15 minutes each, although some campuses will do so 5 days a week.

During these sessions, the teachers will present in the classroom the negative effects that the consumption of illegal substances such as fentanyl can have on the health of young people.

The sessions will take place in subjects such as Civic Education and Ethics; Biology and Healthy Life, in high schools with regular hours and extended hours, as well as in Science subjects at the baccalaureate level, or in any other subject, considering that it is a cross-cutting and priority issue in the education sector, both in public schools as private.

Days without classes in April 2023

The SEP has announced that a another day without classes for students at the end of April. A Technical Advisory Meeting will be held on Friday, April 28, which means students will also have the day off.

This news allows students to begin planning for an additional long weekend after Easter.

What are the May bridges?

A third long weekend will be established from Saturday May 13 to Monday May 15, in commemoration of Teacher’s Day. The fourth and last long weekend will be from Friday, May 26 to Sunday, May 28, due to the School Technical Council Meeting.

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When does the 2022-2023 SEP school year end?

The SEP will begin to apply a new prevention strategy

As a result of the work carried out in the previously mentioned workshop, it is established that the end of classes for students will take place on July 19, as well as the end of the course for everyone in general, which will take place on July 26. . These dates coincide with the beginning of the period summer vacation 2023.

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