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Sergio Berni takes leave from the Buenos Aires Ministry of Security

This Sunday, the information about the request for a medical license from the Buenos Aires Security Minister, Sergio Berni, was released until May 25.

The official must undergo a series of studies and treatments for the injury to the maxillary sinus that he suffered when he was attacked by the companions of Daniel Barrientos, the driver murdered in Virrey del Pino.
The provincial government reported that during the license period, the functional and operational coordination of the Ministry will be in charge of the Undersecretary for Training and Professional Development, Javier Alonso.

Justice and Human Rights Minister Julio Alak will be in charge of administrative matters.

“In this way, we continue working to respond to the problems of the people of Buenos Aires based on the investment, professionalization and modernization of the Security force of our Province,” announced the management of Axel Kicillof through a statement.

On April 3, Berni was attacked by demonstrators who were protesting the crime of Daniel Barrientos, driver of bus line 620.

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