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Sergio Massa announced the repurchase of 1 billion dollars of debt

Minutes before the opening of the markets, the Minister of Economy made an important announcement aimed at lowering the country risk and creating greater predictability: “We have made the decision to carry out a process to repurchase the Argentine foreign debt for more than US$ 1000 million starting today. We made the decision to entrust the BCRA to carry out the repurchase process on behalf of the Treasury in order to continue improving Argentina’s external debt profile to continue lowering the country risk”.

“Throughout 2022, in the last tranche we did a very strong job of improving the maturity profile of the curve in pesos. In parallel, we saw a drop of 1,000 points in the country risk”, although this data is not reflected in the media.

“That means a window of opportunity. That is why we have made the decision to carry out a repurchase process of Argentina’s external debt for more than US$1,000 million that begins today”advertisement.

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