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Sergio Massa will call for a price and wage agreement to stabilize the economy

The Minister of Economy Sergio Massa met today with the leadership of the CGT and leaders of official social movements at the Palacio de Hacienda, where he announced that he will call for a price and wage agreement for 90 days to stabilize the economic situation.

“It is key to sit down with businessmen and workers to establish the path of the next 90 days, so that there are no justified traps in this that some living people tried to generate based on rumors and versions,” Massa said during the meeting.

Sources from the Ministry of Economy revealed that “until Friday, Massa will focus on stabilizing and from Saturday, businessmen, trade unionists and social movements will be at a table to shape the economic order.”

In turn, the Minister of Economy confirmed to trade unionists and social leaders that the renegotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is on track and asked that they help the Government “to be guarantors and controllers of supply and compliance with price agreements ”.

The leaders of the CGT were present together with the minister Hector Daer, Andres Rodríguez, Carlos Acuna, Gerardo Martinez, Jorge Alone, Jose Luis Lingeri y Armando Cavalieri. On behalf of the social movements, the leaders of the Evita Movement participated: emilio persico, Chino Navarro y Daniel Menendez.

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