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“Serious mistake”: They redesigned the NFL and NBA mascots with AI and it was not what was expected

Las mascots in sport They are an essential part of any team. Above all in the United States leagues are especially recognized for the fans thanks to the atmosphere that they put on them every time they play at home.

Many are emblematic, others are a little less famous and yes, some are also quite random (not to mention ugly). But Can you imagine what would happen if the mascots of sports teams were made with Artificial Intelligence?

Some random mascots in sports / Image:

AI also enters the sport

we know, today the AI ​​seems to be the protagonist of everything. The debate over its use is very serious, because although many people don’t care or feel that it is exaggerated, the arguments that It could be a problem with the subject of jobs, imposing on human capacities or questioning any photo, video or text, It is something worth pondering.

However, everything depends on the use that is given to it, because a Twitter user applied it to redesign the different mascots of the main leagues in the United States. Something to some extent innocent and without risk.

Garry Gates used AI to “reinvent” all 32 NFL mascots and 30 NBA mascots. The result? Perhaps it was not what was expected. Some border on the gloomy and the truth is that at a certain moment it is a bit disturbing to stare at them for several minutes.

The images of the NFL and NBA mascots redesigned with AI

Without further ado, let’s go straight to the images of some pets according to the AI. Look at them, observe them, take a few minutes to appreciate how they look and feel free to tell us what you think about them in the comments. (It is worth saying that we definitely stayed with the originals).

Here the NFL

And here some of NBA

My name is Christian, I am a UNAM graduate and I have been linked to the creation of digital content since 2015. I worked at Reforma, different soccer portals and specialized blogs before arriving… More by Christian Vázquez

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