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Seriously? This "superhero" gets a reboot again

Everything started so promising. Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro proved in 2004 that you can conjure up successful superhero film adaptations on the big screen that don’t need the Marvel label or the DC logo. With hell boy he delighted both critics and audiences. Four years later came Hellboy – The Golden Army to the cinemas. However, since the two comic adaptations, celebrated as masterpieces, could not convince one hundred percent at the box office, one dared 2019 a reboot with a new director and leading actor. And that really sucked.

Hellboy reboot flops massively

Around hell boy a reboot without a filmmaker Guillermo del Toro (Pacific Rim, Blade 2) and Lead Actor Ron Perlman (Beauty and the Beast, Alien Rebirth) the producers took $50 million in hand and committed next to Milla Jovovich (Resident Evil, The Fifth Element) also Stranger Things star David Harbour.

But the plan went terribly wrong. Hellboy: Call of Darkness (2019) received mostly negative reviews, garnering five Golden Raspberry Award nominations and a flop at the box office. Just $55 million was able to import the reboot worldwide. Considering the marketing costs and the share that the cinema operators keep for themselves, the film should neat minus have made.

Another Hellboy reboot is already in production

But this failure keeps the rights holders of the Hellboy brand apparently not deterred from trying it again with the boy from hell. This time filmmaker Brian Taylor try his luck. The American director thrilled audiences with the action film in 2006 crank starring Jason Statham and Amy Smart. He was also able to gain experience with comic book adaptations of anti-heroes. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (2012) was his.

The new live-action film is set to be based on the comic book series Hellboy: The Crooked Man based and set in 1956. Filming will begin in April in Bulgaria. However, the film is still awaiting its official announcement. A main actor has also not yet been revealed.

Source: Discussing movie

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