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Seven of the reforms endorsed by steam are promulgated in the DOF

Of the twenty reforms approved at full speed by the plenary session of the Senate, in the last session of the ordinary period last Friday night and early the next day, seven have already been promulgated by the federal Executive.

The corresponding decrees were published last Wednesday in the evening edition of the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

The first decree reforms various articles of the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration, among other laws, and provides that the attribution of safeguarding the sovereignty and defending the integrity of the national territory, including its airspace corresponds to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE). ), in coordination with the Secretary of the Navy (Semar) regarding the protection of the airspace located over the territorial sea.

The changes made to the General Law of National Assets are intended to provide better conditions for the State in terms of price, transparency and opportunity in public tenders that are held for the sale of real estate owned by the nation.

The amendments to the Federal Rights Law and the General Tourism Law order that of the income obtained from the collection of rights of visitors who enter the country to carry out paid activities, 20% will go to the National Institute of Migration (INM) and 80% to the entity that manages, operates and provides airport, aeronautical, railway, tourist, cultural and diverse services of the same nature, as well as for infrastructure projects.

Modifications to article 3o. of the Law of General Communication Routes provide that the general communication routes and modes of transportation assigned to the Federation may in turn be assigned to parastatal entities with indefinite validity, assignment that may not be assigned or transferred under any title.

The reform to the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration focuses on the Ministry of Public Function and the modifications to the Federal Law for the Control of Chemical Precursors stipulate penalties for those who use machines to produce pills without permission.

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