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Several drug crimes discovered after intervention in Haparanda-Torneå

The bet was made between January 31 and February 1 and this is the result:

  • 14 different drug offenses were reported (possession, own use and/or for the purpose of transfer).
  • Four drivers were also suspected of drunk driving and three cases of serious illegal driving were reported.
  • In addition, three offenses against the Knife Act and two offenses against the Weapons Act were suspected.

The house search in both countries

– During the beginning of one evening, the police received a drug crime on the Finnish side which led to measures on the Swedish side in the form of a house search and seizure. Later in the evening, a vehicle was stopped on the Swedish side where a passenger told them that he had narcotics in Finland, which in turn led to measures in Finland – also where the house was searched and seized, says police operations manager Martin Asplund.

In total, several police and customs patrols and a number of service dogs participated.

– The collaboration worked really well and we achieved good results, summarizes Martin Asplund.

The police expect that further reports may be added after the operation.

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The labrador Loki in Haparanda is Sweden’s best drug dog. In the clip, you hear Erik Furmark, customs inspector/dog handler, tell about their many seizures. Photo: Jimmy Bäckström/SVT

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