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Several key expertises in the Galeano case await with expectation | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Monday April 10, 2023 | 4:30 p.m.

Almost a month after the death of Formoseña gendarme Jésica Galeano (31), who on March 12 was found lifeless inside her home in the Cocomarola Este neighborhood of Posadas with a shot to the head, who are in charge of the investigation awaits with great expectation the results of different expert opinions requested in a timely manner by Judge Miguel Mattos, head of Investigating Court Seven.

These tests, it is estimated, could be known in the next few days and seek to reconstruct a file that up to now is being investigated as an alleged femicide, although it does not allow the possibility of suicide to be ruled out outright.

Although the preliminary results of the autopsy indicate that the trajectory of the shot suffered by the uniformed woman was from right to left, until the investigators have the reports of the ballistics studies in their hands, it cannot be confirmed with certainty if it was Galeano who fired the weapon or if a third party was responsible for the shot.

And as a possible implicated in the femicide hypothesis, the victim’s partner, Horacio B. (35), who has been detained since the day the tragic event became known.

Also, it is expected that the National Gendarmerie (GNA) will send a report to the intervening court detailing what skillful hand the victim had, the type of regulatory weapon he used, along with other information of interest to the case.

Another of the important points that remain to be known has to do with a calligraphic expertise that was made on an alleged letter that the woman left in the house. As well as the analysis of the cell phone records of Galeano and the suspect.

Ocular inspection

Beyond the different reports, another important step to clarify the event took place last Wednesday, April 5, when judicial authorities, together with experts from the Misiones Police, carried out a visual inspection of the house shared by the couple of gendarmes in the Cocomarola East neighborhood.

After 10:30 in the morning, the judicial proceeding formally began and included the participation, in addition to Judge Mattos and his secretaries, the lawyers Ricardo Guanuco and Fabián Flores.

Documents were seized from the couple’s home. Photo: Marcelo Rodriguez

The first, on behalf of the private complaint promoted by the family of the gendarme, and Flores as private defender of the detainee.

The measure lasted just over three hours at the address located on Calle 55B at 9400. And from that place, the investigators seized various documents and other items of importance to the cause.

Spokesmen for the investigation told this morning newspaper that those in charge of the inspection carried out different expert work, both in a backyard of the property, and inside the house and the Volkswagen car of the couple of gendarmes.


As published by El Territorio, Horacio B. (35) decided to tell his version of the facts when he was taken to give an investigative statement for this fact.

During his statement, the also effective from the Gendarmerie commented that it was he who found his lifeless partner inside the car.

The death of the gendarme was discovered last Sunday, March 12.

And he flatly denied having attacked the woman.

Beyond this statement, according to the testimony of relatives and co-workers of the victim, it was reconstructed that the relationship between the detainee and Galeano was not good. They even reported that the man harassed her a lot in the last few months before the event and did not let her get together with her friends.

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