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Shawn Mendes visits Mexico and hugs the plant ends badly

  • The singer’s action has been criticized on social networks, due to the strangeness of the fact.

  • Documenting experiences on social networks has become central to the influence that media personalities have reached.

  • The impact that social networks have achieved has allowed influential personalities to become a benchmark within the market.

Shawn Mendes He passed through Mexico and documented all kinds of stories on social networks such as the hug to one planta and the criticism ended badly for the famous artist.

All this leads us to notice he Sprout Social Index, where 54 percent of users said the most popular content format was video; followed by 53 percent of people who voted for the images. 30 percent chose text-based posts; 26 percent images and 25 percent live videos. As we can see, images are an expected content format on social networks and the reactions to this format give us an idea of ​​how important the witnesses published by personalities such as Shawn Mendes in its Instagram.

hug plants

With a message where he thanks Mexico for its culture and land, Shawn Mendes He published a series of images of his visit to the country, where one stands out in which he hugs a plant, apparently rosemary.

“Mexico, thanks for everything! I love the country and its culture. Being here fills me with light and energy! The food, the people, the music, the land, I love it”, explained the singer in the post and the criticism did not wait.

Daniella Gomez questioned why she was praying to a rosemary plant, while user dnlrpo1 warned her that “dogs and drunks urinate in those bushes. I love you”. Other users wrote to him: “Ridiculous old man, that’s a plant.”

The action taken by the singer to hug and pray to a plant was part of his content strategy to document his visit to the country and prove how multifaceted Mexico becomes as a destination.

This action shared by the singer is not new and if it follows a pattern that many other personalities have used to document on social networks, thereby demonstrating activities that have become common on social networks, such as the creation of specialized travel content. The hashtag travel alone has more than 676 million posts related to this trend and shows us a very important phenomenon and that is the ability of brands to be able to innovate in what they communicate and not only that, to transcend before the consumer. .

There is no doubt that very important tasks have been established in the market, which reminds us of what ends up being valuable in the way it is communicated. We saw an excellent example of this with Shawn Mendes, but witnesses are also discovered in important social networks, such as those that have to do with the way in which major activities are being discovered today in the market, such as those that have to do with the the way brands innovate and not only that, they manage to define important activities between what is right and what has to be renewed, especially when we see estimates from studies such as “The Workday Consumer Has Logged In”where we see that the main challenge to activate digital actions is to activate customer information insights, so understanding trends such as #Travel in social networks gives us a key idea of ​​what this medium represents for the consumer.

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