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Shazam 2: why Wish’s Superman is a resounding flop

For several years, DC has struggled to win against Marvel when it comes to cinematographic works. Chaos reigns at DC, which struggles to find a solid guideline and sees itself delivering films and series that lack consistency or, worse, postpone or even cancel several projects. The extent of the damage is such that James Gunn and Peter Safran were appointed to head the studios last November.

If fans are hoping to see the House of Ideas move forward, the all-new DC-stamped movie really didn’t shine when it was released. This should not reassure aficionados, that’s for sure. Indeed, last Wednesday came out Shazam! The Rage of the Gods. The problem is that this second opus devoted to the superhero offered an extremely discreet exit. Let’s say that few spectators expected it. And it showed at the box office. It’s the cold shower for good old Shazam.

For its first day of operation in France, Shazam! 2 brings together only 41,900 spectators. To give you an idea, 70,998 people were present to discover the first installment dedicated to the hero on its first day of broadcast in 2019. For DC, this is the worst start in its history, just ahead of The Suicide Squad and its 45,224 entries. On the side of Marvel, only four films have done less well than this new opus of Shazam.

In total, Shazam! The Rage of the Gods only grossed $119.6 million at the worldwide box office. A very meager jackpot that does not bode well for DC’s next projects. But why did this film make such a flop?

Shazam! 2: reasons for failure

While some feature films are expected like the Grail in 2023, no one really seemed eager to discover the new adventures of Billy Batson. To begin with, did you know that Shazam! The Rage of the Gods came out in our dark rooms? Indeed, on the communication and marketing side, DC did not shine. Unable to create expectation among the spectators, the release of this new opus went unnoticed by many people because of a bad marketing campaign.

Besides a lack of light on Shazam! 2, the film is the sequel to a film considered to be sympathetic but which does not renew the genre. Difficult, therefore, to bring the crowds into the dark rooms. Without being a disaster, this opus does not look more remarkable than its predecessor. Which is enough to cool more than one spectator.

But above all, the critics of Shazam! 2 weren’t kind. One could even say that he drew the wrath of the media. So much so that the director, David F. Sandberg, wants to distance himself from the world of superheroes. Paradoxically, without being the film of the year, Shazam! The Rage of the Gods does not appear to be a major disaster in the eyes of the spectators. But it is a very feverish argument.

Indeed, while inflation is reaching peaks and a cinema ticket costs on average 11.28 euros in France, spectators choose the films they want to see on the big screen with the greatest care. Far from the hype of Super Mario Bros. the movies or some Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, Shazam! The Rage of the Gods is potentially a collateral victim. At more than 10 euros a ticket, many prefer not to take the risk of going to see an “average” film. A harsh reality.

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