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She asks her husband for a divorce days after getting married because of a bad joke he played on her at the wedding

She asks her husband for a divorce days after getting married because of a bad joke he played on her at the wedding

Great stir that has caused a publication made by a woman on Reddit’s “Wedding Shaming” forumwhere he has counted the reasons why you have asked your husband for a divorce, a few days after getting married.

The woman told how she got married last December, just before Christmas, and how 24 hours after the celebration, she wanted to separate from her now husband.

The bride indicated that she was never obsessed with getting married; However, her boyfriend proposed to her in 2020, which she did not object to. In addition, she says that both shared the responsibilities of organizing the wedding, where He only gave his partner one rule: don’t push her into the wedding cake.

The groom respected the rule until he did decide to take it from behind the head and push it towards the slice that had previously been cut.

“The next day I told him that we were finished”, commented the bride.

“(I am VERY claustrophobic after a car accident years ago, and panicked about being pushed into a cake and held there), the woman explained.

As expected, the publication had many interactions from the users of this platform, where some indicated that it seemed like a very exaggerated reaction on the part of the bride, while others supported her decision, since what happened would have been a sample how little respect her husband would have for her.

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