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She is 25, he is 17 years old; teacher arrested for abusing student in US cemetery

A teacher, identified as Cali Heikes25, was arrested following accusations of sexual abuse against one of his 17-year-old students, whom he was taking to a cemetery to commit the crime, according to the authorities of Nebraskain United States.

According to media such as KETV, The woman was arrested on January 22, paying 2,000 dollars (about 37,000 pesos) to be released from jail on bail the next day.

The situation was alerted on January 20, when an agent from the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office received a call on the line of the Department of Health and Human Services.

The alert supported the suspicion that a teacher had a sexual relationship with a studentaccording to court documents that were revealed by Daily Star.

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According to the media, the teacher and the underage student held meetings at least 3 times a week.

Jason DwinellWayne County sheriff, told the same outlet that they had records of a two-vehicle traffic stop that was in the cemetery sector.

The report argues that The agent stopped the vehicle in which the student was traveling, who, when asked why he was there, stated that he was with “his friend Cali.”

Authorities reported that a car was registered in the teacher’s name.

After this situation, the authorities went to the home of the minor, where one of the relatives said he believed that they were going to various places repeatedly, showing cell phone text messages that revealed this information to the police.

According to the media, the teacher and the underage student held meetings at least 3 times a week.

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The woman was arrested on January 22, paying 2,000 dollars (about 37,000 pesos) to be released from jail on bail the next day.

The authorities plan to seize the teacher’s cell phone, as well as other electronic devices that would facilitate the police investigation in the United States.

In Nebraska, the age of sexual consent is 16, but it’s a crime when it’s between a teacher and a student.being able to have serious sanctions in that place.

With media information

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