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She killed her rapist and is found guilty of manslaughter

Mexico City.- Roxana killed her rapist and is found guilty of manslaughter for “excessive use of self-defense.” She accused the Court that she could apply a sentence of six months and up to seven years in jail.

Let us remember that in 2021, Roxana was the victim of sexual abuse at a home located in the Benito Juárez neighborhood, of the Nezahualcóyotl mayor’s office.

It was last Wednesday when the hearing was held in the Oral Trial and Sentence Execution Courts, attached to the Neza Bordo prison. Where the court confirmed that Roxana was a victim of sexual violence as a vulnerable person.

However, the same instance held her responsible for having abused her legitimate defense and that she “should have stopped,” for which she was sentenced.

“The trial court considers that Roxana exceeded her legitimate defense, that there was a moment defending her life, her sexual freedom, that she should have stopped, and she did not, so that is why she issued a sentence of conviction,” explained her lawyer, Ángel Carrera for El Universal.

found guilty

Next Monday, May 15, a hearing will be held to determine the sentence of the single mother and native of Pinotepa Nacional, Oaxaca. As well as the amount that must be covered to repair the damage.

It is worth mentioning that Roxana was approached by her sexual abuser identified as Sinai, who offered to accompany her home on May 8, 2021. But given the man’s stubbornness, Roxana had to let him sleep that night in her living room.

Minutes later, he entered her room to force her to have sex and the woman chose to defend herself by wearing a shirt that she wrapped around her neck until her assailant died.

The case became known because the woman took the body from her home in plastic bags and municipal police officers in the area approached her to discover that it was a man.

During the monitoring of her case, irregularities were reported, since Roxana did not have a medical examination that determined that she was sexually assaulted and despite the fact that she agreed to cooperate with the authorities.

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