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She published a photo and was sentenced to almost 10 years in prison and 74 lashes

Documentary filmmaker Mozhgan Ilanlu was sentenced by an Iranian court to almost ten years in prison, lashes and a financial fine for posting a photo on her social networks without the mandatory Islamic headscarf.

As confirmed, Ilanlu must serve six years in prison for violating national security, 15 months for propaganda against the Islamic nation, another 15 for encouraging prohibited actions and 15 more months for public disorder.

The physical punishment will be 74 lashes. He will have to pay a $200 fine, he will not be able to be part of any social organization, demonstration or similar for two years and he will not be able to leave the country.

Mozhgan Ilanlu was detained last October after posting the photo showing her unveiled and urging others to do so. It was in the context of a great social revolt where more rights for women were demanded, after the death of Mahsa Amini after being arrested by the Moral Police.

In this sense, close to two thousand people were denounced by the Iranian government because of their participation in the demonstrations for “Freedom, women, life”. Nearly 20 people were executed for these reasons and a hundred more were sentenced to jail.

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