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She was beaten by her son and died after being hospitalized for 17 days | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Thursday March 16, 2023 | 6:00 a.m.

A 29-year-old man was arrested in the town of Jardín América accused of the death of his mother. According to sources from the Misiones Police consulted by El Territorio, the victim was hospitalized after being beaten by the suspect.

The woman was identified as Carmen Graciela Morel (61) and the defendant was identified as Martín A., (29) who had been charged in the first instance with the crime of injury and imposed an approach restriction, but now he must answer for homicide.

The spokesmen indicated that the events began to unfold on February 26 in the Centro neighborhood of the town, where Morel lived. It was the woman herself who reported the incident to the police authorities, stating that she was there that morning with her two children.

He pointed out that they were consuming alcoholic beverages until at a certain moment Martín and Agustín – a member of the Misiones Police – began to argue. In that instance, Agustín, realizing that the situation had turned violent, decided to leave the place.

In this instance, the horror unfolded: always as expressed by the victim to the Police, the suspect became very violent and began to hit him in the face and different parts of the body. “Bitch, you have a preference for Agustín,” he yelled at her until she was unconscious.

The police doctor who examined her determined that she had injuries to her eyes, cheekbones, and mouth, as well as abrasions on her neck. The day before, images of her face emerged after the attack in which she looks like she had half of her face practically disfigured by bruises and swelling.

The woman was first admitted to a local ward, but later her transfer to Samic in Eldorado was determined, where she died yesterday morning.

Regarding the suspect, by order of the Investigating Court of Jardín América two days after the events, he was notified of the investigation of the case, although he was not arrested. A notification of prohibition of approaching his mother was also established.

However, her procedural situation changed and after the tragic outcome, the judicial authorities ordered her to be detained, something that took place around 10 o’clock the day before. Last night he was staying in a cell awaiting news about his future.

Between today and tomorrow, Judge Roberto Sena must determine his transfer to court. In the first instance, as a first measure, it was ordered that the body be submitted to an autopsy to determine the cause of death, something that could be key in its future.

Hipólito Aquino, father of the defendant, stated that the young man lives by doing odd jobs and that before the events happened he was wandering between his house and his mother’s house, because they are separated. He also told that Martín has a baby and that he was almost always at his house but then he kicked him out.

Asked about how he found out about the events, Don Hipólito expressed that “when my daughter told me that her mother is hospitalized in the ward, I asked her what happened and she said ‘I can’t comment on anything daddy because I wasn’t there.’ And then I already heard that she went to Samic ”.

“I told Martín, ‘look son, if you did it you have to pay and if you didn’t do it, defend yourself. I can’t get into something that I don’t know and I haven’t seen, but if I know that you are, I won’t be covering you up, I won’t be covering you up,’ he said about the moment he talked about the fact with the defendant .

“I didn’t do it, that’s why I’m calm,” the now detainee had replied according to the interviewee’s words. “I didn’t go, she fell, hurt herself and I picked her up. We got her up, she lay down and we came, that was all ”, he would have expanded according to this testimony.

“I suffer because I want to know the truth. What happened?. It hurts me what happened. With what face am I going to see my son ”, she finished.

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