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Sheinbaum refused to have “corcholatas” for CDMX

The head of Government of CDMX spoke about the 2024 elections (Twitter/@Claudiashein)

The head of government of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, rejected that she is going to designate or pronounce on the corcholatas to replace her in her position, that is, the person who could appear on the ballot during the 2024 elections.

During a press conference, the capital’s president stated that, from her perspective, the citizenry is the one that must choose the person who will represent the Fourth Transformation, as well as the person who will replace it.

However, he said that the profile that should represent the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) is that of a honest politics and that it bets on the continuity of the transformation movement in the capital of the country.

“Let the citizens, the inhabitants of the city, decide. The head of government does not have to talk about the profileswhich yes, obviously, (must be) honest people, who continue the transformation of the city and who continue to build a city of rights and that there are no regressions to corruption,” he said on Thursday, March 16.

Sheinbaum highlighted “good profiles” within the 4T to compete for the CDMX Government Headquarters (File)

It also indicated that within Regeneración Nacional there are good profiles to represent the movement, which led her to ensure that the aspirations or statements of third parties are legitimate in all cases.

“There are many colleagues who aspire to the Head of Government, all of them, it is legitimate and there are very good ones”

On the other hand, Sheinbaum Pardo was asked if the senator Xochitl Galvez could have a chance to govern the country’s capital and, although he did not rule out the popularity of the National Action Party (PAN) militant, he pointed out that from his perspective the opposition’s problem is that It does not have a government project.

“The problem with them is that they don’t have a project, that is, they have a project to return to the past. I wonder, Who wants to return to the previous six-year term in the city?”, were the words with which the Head of Government concluded the issue.

Rosa Icela leads the preferences for the city (REUTERS / Luis Cortés)

last March 13 The financial released the latest results of the survey he conducted on profile preferences to govern the capital of the country, where it was highlighted that the coalition in power still retains the preference in the intention to vote, that is, Morena, the Labor Party (PT) and the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM).

Going deeper into this political movement, the profile that stands out is that of the head of the Secretariat for Citizen Security and Protection (SSPC), Rosa Icela Rodriguezwith 38% of the preferences among those surveyed and, if the elections are on these dates, then he could obtain victory.

Omar García Harfuch and Ricardo Monreal have preference of opinions if they decide to compete for the Head of Government (Twitter/@RicardoMonrealA)

Followed by the Secretary of State is the head of the Secretariat for Citizen Security (SSC) of the country’s capital, Omar Garcia Harfuchwith 36% of the preference, only two percentage points divide those in charge —at different levels of government— of security.

The mayoress of Iztapalapa also appeared on the list, Clara Brugada, with 30% of the preferences; while, surprisingly because he seeks the Presidency of the Republic, senator was located Ricardo Monreal with 28 percent.

While, on the opposition side, the strongest card belongs to the PAN with the senator Xochitl Galvez, which has 31% of the preferences. Only seven points below the strongest letter of the 4T and five from the capital’s security secretary, but one point above Mayor Brugada.

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