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Sheinbaum tour begins tomorrow in the city of Chihuahua

Chihuahua, Chih.- Tomorrow, Sunday, the head of government of Mexico City and candidate for the Presidency of the Republic for Morena, Claudia Sheinbaum, will make a working tour of the capital Chihuahua, and will hold courtesy meetings with state and municipal officials, meetings with political leaders and social events and a conference at the Convention Center.

This was commented by Alfonso Ramírez Cuellar, national promoter of the #Esclaudia movement in the country’s social and productive sectors, who said that they are still making adjustments to the agenda.

“We are promoting Claudia’s visit for Sunday, she will be there in Chihuahua; there are several events that have to do with courtesy visits to both state and municipal government officials, then there are meetings with political and social leaders, as well as a broad conference at the Convention Center to discuss the government’s public policies of the city (CDMX)”, informed Ramírez Cuellar.

Until the time of press release, the private political agenda was contemplated on Sunday morning, the conference at 3:30 p.m. called Successful Policies at the Service at the Service of Citizenship.

The agenda for the state capital would conclude with attention to the media, to then return to the entity that currently governs.

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