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Shipping companies avoid Red Sea route due to Yemen Houthi attacks

Shipping companies avoid Red Sea route due to Yemen Houthi attacks

WASHINGTON — Eighteen shipping companies decided to modify the route of their ships to avoid the Red Sea, following the attacks in that area that Western countries blame on the Houthi rebels of Yemen, the UN maritime agency indicated this Wednesday.

“A significant number of companies, around 18 shipping companies, have already decided to divert their ships around South Africa to reduce attacks on vessels,” said the secretary general of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Arsenio Domínguez.

The Iran-backed Houthi rebels, who control much of Yemen including the capital Sanaa and most of the Red Sea coast, have fired on ships they claim are linked to Israel, in support of Palestinians in the bombed-out Gaza Strip. .

This Wednesday, 12 countries led by the United States warned the rebels of “consequences” unless they stop the attacks that increasingly affect global trade.

US evaluates direct attacks

The United States along with its allies, including Great Britain, Germany and Japan, issued a joint statement, while President Joe Biden is reportedly considering carrying out direct attacks against the Houthis if the attacks persist.

“Let us be clear: we urge the immediate cessation of these illegal attacks and the release of illegally held ships and crews,” says the statement transmitted by the White House.

“The Houthis will take responsibility for the consequences if they continue to threaten lives, the global economy and the free flow of trade on critical routes in the region,” he added.

Previously, the United States sent an aircraft carrier to the area and announced a naval coalition to protect movements in the Red Sea, through which 15% of global trade passes, according to UN figures.

Source: With information from AFP

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