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Shocking accident in La Plata: he got on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole

A 25-year-old motorist was involved in a serious traffic accident that, miraculously, did not end in tragedy. According to police sources informed happened this Sunday morning, around 6, when the young man was traveling aboard a chevrolet corsa by 32 between 20 and 21, and -for reasons that are being investigated- lost control of the vehicle, getting on the sidewalk.

Product of the risky maneuver, He ended up hitting a light pole head-on.. Fortunately, according to what was indicated by the spokespersons, no person was hit by the vehicle, so there were no fatalities or injuries to be regretted.

The truth is that, after becoming aware of the fact, members of the Patrol Command went to the scene to provide assistance and corroborated that the driver had no serious injuries. They did indicate that the front end of the Corsa was totally destroyed, product of the collision.

After carrying out the corresponding expertise and initiating actions by “culpable injuries”the authorities notified edelap of the incident for “That they carry out rigorous tasks on the post”it was informed.

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