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Shocking crash in La Plata that left a car overturned, one dead and three injured

Sunday morning began rough on Provincial Route 36, kilometer 70 of Poblet, where a truck and a car were involved in an accident that left one dead and three injured.

According to police sources, two people were on board the Volkswagen brand car, which was moving in the direction of La Costa. One of them died (a man of approximately 30 years) and two other injured results, who were referred to the Alejandro Korn Hospital.

The other shot is an EcoSport truck that was headed in the Vieytes-La Plata direction and resulted in an injury, who had to be transferred to the Romero Hospital.

SAME ambulances, police officers and Volunteer Firefighters worked at the scene, collaborating with the rescue of the passengers.

For reasons that can still be established, the road accident would have occurred frontally between the two vehicles, completely destroying the front of the truck and with the car that overturned on the side of the shoulder after the strong impact.

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