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Shojin Ryori: Buddhist cuisine that loses weight and will revolutionize your diet

Shojin Ryori: Buddhist cuisine that loses weight and will revolutionize your diet

With the arrival of summer and the holidays in Spain, there is also an ideal time to go back to betting on healthier habits that help to cultivate a much healthier lifestyle, but also to take care of our physique with it and our mind. Doing sports, leading an active lifestyle, sleeping well, taking care of your mental health… All this is part of this path to improve our health and well-being, but without a doubt a healthy diet that includes, for example, the most beneficial vitamins for women, plays a fundamental role in this balanced lifestyle.

It is precisely this balance between mental and physical well-being in which the Buddhist culture is centered and specifically the cuisine known as shojin ryori. A type of diet, which Buddhist monks have been following for centuries and which leaves out any food of live or animal origin, focusing on others such as seasonal vegetables or mountain plants.

A perfect diet also for women, to achieve a balanced weight and which is based on what is known as “rule of 5”a perfect method to modify our way of eating and ensure that your diet is healthier.

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Shojin Ryori Diet: What is its origin and what is it based on?

This expression comes from the Japanese word Sho (concentrate), Jin (advance or advance on the way) and Ryori (cook or cook). A concept of simple and balanced food in which the use of vegetables and seasonal vegetables stands out and that avoids the use of strong flavors such as garlic or onion, while avoiding the use of any animal product.

A style of food that has been consumed by Buddhist monks for centuriesbut in recent years it has not stopped becoming popular due to the great benefits it can provide for health, but also for its flavors, its care for the environment and for also being a great ally for losing weight in a healthy way.

A type of diet that also takes into account the colors, flavors, as well as the preparation methods of each food. But one of the fundamental characteristics of this diet lies in the rule of five.

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The rule of five in the Shojin Ryori diet

According to Shojin Ryori cuisine, in each meal there must be room for five flavors, five colors and five cooking methods that can satisfy the five senses:

  1. Combination of five flavors: According to this rule, each meal must consist of elements that are: sour, bitter, sweet, spicy and salty.
  2. Five colors: In all the meals you make there must be the colors green, red, yellow, white and black.
  3. Five types of cooking: In this type of diet, five different types of cooking are allowed and put into practice: in water, on the grill or in a pan, steamed, raw or fermented preparations, and frying.
  4. Avoid five spicy plants: garlic, onion, tuberous garlic and Chinese onion, since their taste and smell are strong and can interfere with the practice of meditation.
  5. The cook’s respect for the “three spirits”: the “happy” one, with the gratitude of being able to prepare their own food, the “nutritious” one, cooking with compassion and adapting to the needs of each diner, and the “magnanimous” one, because each product must be prepared with rigor and care.

Can Shojin Ryori cuisine be a good ally to lose weight?

although the kitchen shojin ryori is not specifically designed to lose weight, this type of cooking can be a good ally and a healthy option for those people who are looking to lose weight thanks to its characteristics:

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  • Low in calories: This kitchen focuses on plant foods such as vegetables, legumes, grains, mushrooms or seaweed, making it a low-calorie and healthy option.
  • No meat or fish: This type of cuisine is vegetarian and does not include products of animal origin, so it helps to reduce the consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol, more common in diets with a high content of meat and animal products.
  • High in fiber: The ingredients of this cuisine are rich in fiber, which is why they help improve digestion, provide satiety and regulate appetite.
  • Fresh and natural ingredients: The foods are not processed and are used in their natural form, so they guarantee a higher concentration of nutrients and avoid the intake of unhealthy additives and preservatives.

How does Shojin Ryori cooking help women’s health?

Shojin Ryori cuisine, being an option healthy and balanced food, can have a positive impact on hormonal changes in women. And it is that, being low in saturated fats and rich in plant nutrientsit can help maintain a more stable hormonal balance and reduce inflammation that is often associated with certain hormonal imbalances.

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Additionally, its focus on natural ingredients and no animal products may be beneficial to some women seeking improve your hormonal health. However, each body is different, so it is important to consult a health professional for specific advice on individual hormonal changes.

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