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Shooter “far-right activist”

“The Kurdish community, and through it all Parisians, have been targeted by these killings, committed by a far-right activist,” Hidalgo wrote on Twitter. “The Kurds, wherever they live, must be able to live in peace and security. More than ever, Paris stands by her in these dark hours.”

The 69-year-old suspect – according to the media a former train driver – was already known to the authorities. According to prosecutors, he was taken to the hospital with injuries to his face. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin spoke of a single perpetrator and announced stronger police protection for Kurdish institutions.

Attack on migrants with saber

“He obviously wanted to attack foreigners,” Darmanin said. “It is not clear whether this person is politically active in any way, even if their motivation was obviously an attack on foreigners.” The motive is unknown, but a right-wing extremist background to the act is being examined.

Dead and injured in gun attack

Three people were killed and three others seriously injured in a gun attack in central Paris on Friday. The attack happened at a Kurdish center.

The newspaper “Le Parisien” wrote that the arrested Frenchman injured several people in a migrant camp with a saber last year. The 69-year-old only got out of prison in mid-December and was under judicial supervision.

Riots near the crime scene

According to district mayor Alexandra Cordebard, the man fired the shots in the Kurdish community center Ahmet Kaya and a restaurant and hairdressing salon across the street in Paris’ tenth arrondissement. The attack hit the branch of the Kurdish Democratic Council in France (CDK-F). This is an umbrella organization of 24 Kurdish associations.

AP/Lewis Joly

Riots broke out at the scene on Friday evening

As the CDK-F announced, the three fatalities were Kurdish activists, as were three injured people. The organization spoke of a “terrorist attack” that occurred after numerous Turkish threats.

On Friday evening, members of the Kurdish community protested around the crime scene. According to French media, there were clashes with the police. Some demonstrators erected barricades on the streets and set garbage cans on fire, the newspaper Le Monde reported. Stones and other objects were thrown at the police and they used tear gas.

Macron: Deliberate attack on Kurds

French President Emmanuel Macron spoke of a deliberate attack. “The Kurds in France were the target of a vile attack in the middle of Paris,” wrote the head of state on Twitter. His thoughts are with the victims and their families.

Mayor Hidalgo paid tribute to the victims and their families. A psychological support service will be set up in the tenth arrondissement town hall. Deputy Mayor Emmanuel Gregoire thanked the security forces for their quick action. His thoughts are with the victims and witnesses of the attack.

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