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Shooting in Paris: Macron denounces “a heinous attack” against “the Kurds of France”

Emmanuel Macron denounced a “heinous attack” of which “the Kurds of France were the target” this Friday, December 23, after a man killed three people and injured three others in the 10th arrondissement in Paris.

Shooting in Paris: at least three dead, the man arrested known for two attempted homicides

“Thoughts of the victims, of the people struggling to live, of their families and loved ones. Recognition to our law enforcement for their courage and composure”added the head of state in a tweet.

Three killed, one person ‘fighting death’

Three people were shot dead and three others injured in the center of Paris by a man of French nationality who, according to Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, wanted “obviously preying on foreigners” and would have acted alone. The 69-year-old man, known for previous acts of violence with weapons, was arrested shortly after the incident and placed in police custody.

The facts took place on rue d’Enghien, in the 10th arrondissement of the capital, at the level of a Kurdish cultural center, in a lively shopping district popular with the Kurdish community.

“You do not protect us, we are killed”: a Kurdish demonstration degenerates after the shooting in Paris

“Three people died: two in front of the Kurdish cultural center, another in a restaurant, and another death struggle”, detailed Gérald Darmanin during a press briefing on site in the afternoon. Two people are less seriously injured and the alleged shooter was also slightly injured during his arrest.

An open investigation

The Paris public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for assassination, attempted assassination, intentional violence with weapons and violation of the legislation on weapons. The investigations were entrusted to the judicial police.

What we know about the suspect of the shooting rue d’Enghien in Paris, already known for attempted murders

The National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) went to the scene but there is no “no element that would favor the need for their referral”said the prosecutor of the Republic of Paris, Laure Beccuau, dismissing for the time being the track of an attack.

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