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Shooting in Paris: the right and the far right denounce "laxity" of the judicial system

A few hours after the shooting which left three dead in the center of Paris, Éric Ciotti, Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour denounced the “laxity” of the French judicial system, when the suspect had already been convicted of violence.

Several right-wing and far-right political figures have denounced “the laxity” of the judicial system, after the shooting perpetrated Friday noon by a man with still unknown motives near a Kurdish community center in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. Three people died, and three injured, while the suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

The man, of French nationality and aged 69, was known for acts of violence. Sentenced in 2017 for aggravated violence, he was prohibited from carrying weapons. In December 2021, he attacked a migrant camp with a saber. He had just been released recently, said the magistrate. According to our information, the man was released on December 12 because he faced a maximum of 10 years in prison. However, when the maximum sentence is 10 years or less, pre-trial detention cannot exceed one year.

“End this systemic laxity!”

At this stage, the anti-terrorist prosecutor’s office has not been seized. The shooter, who seems to have acted alone, “obviously wanted to attack foreigners”, estimated the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin who went there in the afternoon. He clarified that the individual “was not listed as someone ultra-right or extremist who would participate in illicit organizations”.

“How could a man arrested a year ago for attempted homicide be free?” Asked Éric Ciotti, president of the Republicans on Twitter. And to add: “How many individuals with a similar profile and extremely dangerous for society are free? We must put an end to this systemic laxity!”

“It is yet another demonstration of judicial laxity”, also considered Marine Le Pen, head of the deputies of the National Rally interviewed by BFMTV, “because this man who had already committed acts of serious violence should never have found himself outside. !”

Remarks taken up by the RN deputy for the Somme Jean-Philippe Tanguy on the BFMTV set on Friday evening. The elected official also pointed to “a failure of justice”: “it goes in that direction. Indeed it is not the failure of a judge, but it is justice in general. to say that we arrive in many cases, at the end of the investigation, the procedure makes it possible to release it whereas logic would like that the investigation is closed and that a new judgment is pronounced.

He also believes that the individual had “a disturbing profile”: “obviously he was a member of a shooting club, he knew how to shoot so it is still extremely worrying that this kind of people can circulate in nature”.

Éric Zemmour, president of Reconquête, for his part considered that it was necessary “to do everything to prevent France from becoming Lebanon in a big way should be the common priority of all those who love their country”.

“Faced with the horror, the political class as a whole has decided to accuse each other,” he wrote in a Twitter post. “Generalized savagery, settling of accounts between gypsy and North African communities in Montpellier, and now the assassinations of Kurds in the capital followed by violence against the police… This is the sad assessment of a week in France”.

The rest of the political class, in particular the left, for its part castigated the “racist attack” of a “far right activist”. “It is not a shooting but a racist murder”, replied Fabien Roussel in particular to Marine Le Pen. On Twitter, the national secretary of the PCF considered that it was “a possible attack on the part of a man, watered by hate speech, who attacked Sudanese refugees with sabers 11 months ago” .

Jeanne Bulant BFMTV journalist

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