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Shooting in Paris: the suspect admitted in police custody to a “pathological hatred of foreigners”

The 69-year-old described himself as depressed and suicidal.

Reading time: 1 min

Lhe 69-year-old man suspected of having killed three Kurds and injured three people in Paris on Friday, admitted while in police custody that he felt a “hatred of foreigners that had become completely pathological”, the prosecutor announced in a press release on Sunday. of Paris Laure Beccuau.

The man, whose police custody was lifted on Saturday for health reasons and who was taken to the psychiatric infirmary of the police headquarters, described himself as “depressive” and “suicidal”, specifying that he had ” always wanted to murder migrants, foreigners “since a burglary at his home in 2016, specifies Ms. Beccuau.

The suspect also explained in police custody that he first went to Saint-Denis “to commit murders on foreign people”. He “finally gave up taking action, given the few people present and because of his clothing preventing him from reloading his weapon easily”, added Laure Beccuau.

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