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Short-term change at “maischberger” – these are today’s guests

Sandra Maischberger has been talking twice a week since 2022 – and under a new name. These guests are at “maischberger” on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.

“maischberger.die woche” has only been called “maischberger” since May 2022. Since then, the ARD talk has been running twice a week instead of once – on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10:50 p.m. The program, moderated by Sandra Maischberger, deals with current week’s topics. There are different elements. Journalists often comment on or classify the events. Personalities from politics and society also give individual interviews to deepen areas.

The latest issue deals, among other things, with the federal government’s multi-billion weapons package for Ukraine and the dismissal of controversial State Secretary Patrick Graichen by Climate Minister Robert Habeck. RTL presenter Pinar Atalay was also supposed to take part in the discussion on May 17 – but there was a change a few hours before the show.

Sandra Maischberger welcomes these guests

The broadcaster published an update of the guest list on Twitter, in which Atalay is no longer part. Katharina Dröge, parliamentary group leader of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, and the parliamentary correspondent of the FAZ, Helene Bubrowski, have been added. No reasons are given for the short-term change. Instead of five, Sandra Maischberger now welcomes the following six guests on Wednesday evening:

  • Boris Pistorius (SPD), Federal Defense Minister
  • Rudiger von Fritsch, former ambassador in Moscow
  • Bernhard Hoecker, actor and presenter
  • Paul Ronzheimer, Deputy editor-in-chief of Bild and war reporter
  • Katharina Dröge (Alliance 90/The Greens), faction leader
  • Helene Bubrowski, Parliamentary correspondent for the FAZ

Boris Pistorius faces the questions: “How far will the support for Ukraine go? How well is the Bundeswehr prepared for emergencies?” In a conversation with Rüdiger von Fritsch, the following is discussed: “Russia is expecting Ukraine’s spring offensive. At the same time, the head of the Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigoschin, is attacking the Russian leadership. Is President Vladimir Putin’s power crumbling? Can China mediate?”

The Greens parliamentary group leader Katharina Dröge talks about Robert Habeck’s decision to dismiss his controversial State Secretary Patrick Graichen and the associated questions: “Is the crisis in the Ministry of Economic Affairs over? How much did the affair damage the Greens?” Bernhard Hoëcker, Helene Bubrowski and Paul Ronzheimer explain, comment and discuss.

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