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Shortly after the end of nuclear power, Habeck removes nuclear power from the research program

The last nuclear power plants went offline on Saturday night, making nuclear power history in Germany (at least for the time being). Shortly thereafter, a new draft of the energy research program appears. Missing: nuclear power.

Nuclear power research is removed from the program – researchers irritated

Instead, the research on this should “in future be continued as elements of the respective policy areas outside of the energy research program”, quotes the “
world on Sunday
‘ from the paper. Robert Habeck’s Ministry of Economic Affairs confirmed the process to the newspaper. However, this is not synonymous with a reduction in research funds.

Compared to the “Welt am Sonntag”, researchers are nevertheless irritated. “The federal government’s energy research program is very important to us,” says Jörg Starflinger from the Institute for Nuclear Energy and Energy Systems at the University of Stuttgart.

“Research always means staying power”

Marco Koch, head of a working group at the Ruhr University Bochum, says: “It is important that there are still competences in Germany to be able to evaluate new developments in the field of nuclear technology.”

“Research always means having staying power,” says Jan Wörner, President of the German Academy for Engineering Sciences, of the “Welt am Sonntag”. “The time of nuclear fission is far from over,” says Wörner – if only because of the open question of final disposal.

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