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Shot by the police during a robbery in Luleå – sentenced to prison

At the end of September this year, the police were alerted that a man was driving around in a car and threatening people he came across with a weapon-like object and expressed himself in crude racist terms.

The journey for the man in his 20s went to the gas station in central Luleå where he entered the store with a knife and threatened the staff and other customers who were entering the store.

When the four police officers entered the store, the man continued to threaten them with a knife and the police then shot the man. He fell to the ground but was not seriously injured.

Severely mentally ill

The trial against the man ended in November and after this there has been a major forensic psychiatric investigation to determine whether he should be sentenced to care or prison.

The investigation showed that the man was seriously mentally ill at the time, partly due to a self-inflicted intoxication, but not now. The man’s defender argued during the negotiations that today he is a completely different person than the one who entered Circle K and that the man should be released.

Sentenced to several years in prison

Prosecutor Kristin Andersson demanded three years in prison for the man, and on Tuesday the verdict came. The man in his 20s is sentenced to three years and six months in prison and five counts of aggravated unlawful threat, aggravated threat to an official and robbery.

Joakim woke up to the police drama

When the robbery was committed, Luleå resident Joakim Björnfot woke up to the police helicopter hovering above the roof – more about that in the clip below.

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Joakim Björnfot woke up to the police helicopter hovering above the roof – here he tells about the incident in Luleå. Photo: Jimmy Bäckström/SVT
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