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Shoulder pain could be cancer in an unusual location | metropolises

All persistent body aches are worrisome and deserve medical attention as they can be symptoms of serious health problems. Progressive pain in the shoulder, for example, is the main symptom of an aggressive cancer known as a Pancoast tumor.

The Pancoast tumor is a specific lung cancer, which occurs at the top of the organ and, due to its growth, compresses nerves and arteries in the region, causing especially pain in the shoulders.


“The highest part of our lung is between vertebrae, ribs and in a region where many arteries and nerves pass. When lung cancer appears there, it has no room to grow except by compressing other parts of the body, which causes this type of pain, which is quite typical”, says oncologist Murilo Buso, from Cettro (Cancer Center of Brasilia).

According to Buso, the pain of the Pancoast tumor is quite characteristic and resembles that feeling of hitting the elbow. “It is a nerve compression that occurs continuously”, he warns. Before this constant pain, however, it is common for a feeling of tingling and heat to appear in the region.

The facial nerve can also be one of those affected by compression, leading to symptoms such as eyelid drooping. The tumor can also narrow the arteries that pass in the region where it is located. In these cases, the blood flow to the arm next to that lung decreases and other symptoms are observed, such as the difference in color and temperature between one arm and the other.

“Arm nerve compression can lead to permanent injuries, with a loss of strength and functionality of the arm, especially with a weakening of the movements of the little finger of the affected arm”, warns the oncologist.

warning sign

One factor that contributes to the evolution of this type of tumor is the delay in getting the correct diagnosis. As the pain is located in the shoulder, most patients seek assistance from an orthopedist for treatment.

“Health professionals, even if they are not oncologists, will ask for imaging tests in which signs of the tumor certainly appear. The biggest problem consists of the patient getting used to the persistent pain and the loss of strength and not looking for a doctor”, says Buso.

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Risk factors

The Pancoast tumor has risk factors similar to other types of lung cancer, such as the one that killed singer Rita Lee, last Monday (8/5), aged 75.

Smoking and passive exposure to tobacco are important risk factors for the development of lung cancer. In about 85% of diagnosed cases, the disease is associated with the consumption of tobacco derivatives.

“The epidemiological pattern is the same, it’s just a lung cancer that arose in a noble region, with very important nerves and arteries nearby and that causes these effects”, says the oncologist.

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