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Signs contrary to religious precepts: the ministry raises awareness

The Ministry of Commerce plans to launch soon an awareness campaign against the seriousness of the marketing and purchase of products that bear symbols and colors that do not conform to the precepts of Islam. You are not unaware that the world has known a great controversy about homosexuals and transsexuals! While the West advocates freedom of choice in this regard, this matter remains a taboo for Muslim peoples.

Indeed, raising awareness against this kind of behavior is now the responsibility of each individual. Especially since this phenomenon can really influence the beliefs of some people. Especially, children! However, with the technological development we are witnessing, it is difficult to control the content that our children watch, especially on social networks.

As a result, it is essential to redouble our efforts in terms of raising awareness. And this, by intensifying the reminders and the councils with regard to our religion. As part of the fight against any form of violation of the principles of Sharia, the Ministry of Commerce will launch, in the coming days, an awareness campaign, as mentioned above.

Ministry of Commerce campaign: here is the launch date

According to what the generalist Arabic-language daily reports Echorouk, the department of Kamel Rezig will launch this call on January 3, 2023. Moreover, it will continue until January 9, 2023. It should be noted in this wake that several parties will participate in this initiative. In particular, consumer protection associations. As well as professional organizations.

According to the revelations of the same media source, this action is intended to make consumers and economic operators aware of the danger of exchanging products that encourage them to derogate from the rules of Sharia. In detail, several products featuring the rainbow flag are sold on the Algerian market.

In particular, toys and even versions of the Koran! Thus, Algerian citizens must show proof of citizenship. This in order to be able to carefully transmit to future generations the prospects of our religion.

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