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Signs of life from Skull & Bones: New material from the game causes disappointment

Skull & Bones has drawn attention to itself in recent months, particularly due to its turbulent development history. Accordingly, it is not surprising that Ubisoft’s pirate adventure has been postponed again. Recently, however, there was a new sign of life from Ubisoft Singapore. Finally, a new live stream for Skull & Bones had been announced, in which new gameplay with a focus on the game’s lore.

New material, little enthusiasm?

Despite the new gameplay footage, it doesn’t look like it’s particularly impressive to viewers or the press. Insider gaming cites the village looting shown on the stream as a negative example. Instead of actively looting a village yourself, you simply press a button as soon as you are near a port or a beach.

Also a skinny one open world or a not particularly innovative one combat system catch the eye of the website negatively. But also them Youtube Comments the stream is anything but exuberantly positive. Here, too, the material shown was not necessarily convincing and was recorded as uninspired and simple. So the question arises to what extent the Ubisoft title has to be prepared for similar reactions when it is released. The release date of the title is also currently unknown.

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More Ubisoft news

The company, which in recent years has repeatedly faced allegations of harassment and discrimination had been confronted with has recently canceled numerous games. In addition to the release of three new Ubisoft games on Steam, there were also some reports and speculations about the Star Wars game, which the company is currently working on.

Sources: gaming bolt, YouTube (Ubisoft), insider gaming

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