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Signs you might have an eating disorder and 5 ways to deal with it

Whether you’ve been on the road to recovery for years or are just getting started, everyday situations can be triggers for those with a eating disorder. And when that happens, it’s easy to deal with eating disorders patterns. But remember that eating disorders are something you can manage. They should not disturb your life.

Eating disorders look different for everyone, and navigating them can be difficult. Let’s take a look at what they are, why they happen, and common signs of eating disorders. We’ll even talk about useful strategies for dealing with them.

What is an eating disorder?

Eating disorders are mental health states marked by significant disturbances in eating behaviors to the point of having an impact on functioning. They can develop in any age, gender, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status. These are not lifestyles or just bad habits that someone has picked up; eating disorders can be life-threatening.

Eating disorders are unique for everyone, which means there is no correct path to recovery. However, it should always start with a diagnosis to ensure you have access to the appropriate treatment options.

Common types of eating disorders:

  • Anorexia nervosa: This eating disorder is marked by a fear of gaining weight or a fixation on one’s weight. Anorexia is often associated with abnormally low body weight, although it is not limited to any one body type.
  • Bulimia nervosa: People struggling with bulimia will go through episodes of bulimia, guilt over eating, and then self-induced purging.
  • Binge eating disorder: Unlike bulimia, people with binge eating do not purge. Instead, they eat large amounts of food and feel like they have no control to stop.

Eating Disorder Symptoms

Everyone’s journey with an eating disorder will be unique to them. However, there are common signs and symptoms of eating disorders to watch out for.

Common eating disorder symptoms:

  • Significant restrictions on what and how much you eat
  • Preoccupation with weight and body shape
  • Distorted body image
  • Extremely low weight and continued pursuit of weight loss
  • Regularly skipping meals or cutting out food groups
  • Withdrawal of relatives

Other physical symptoms include difficulty concentrating, menstrual irregularities, dizziness, and stomach cramps. Long-term side effects that someone with an eating disorder may experience are a weakened immune system, trouble sleeping, and low thyroid levels.

What Causes an Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses, so the exact cause is unknown. However, contributing factors can influence the development of eating disorders.

  • Biological factors: A person’s genetics can predispose them to eating disorders, especially if a history of mental illness runs in the family. Certain medical conditions, such as type 1 diabetesmay also increase the risk of an eating disorder.
  • Psychological health: A person’s mental health is one of the most important factors that contribute to eating disorders. If someone has low self-esteem or struggles with perfectionism, they may be more likely to struggle with eating disorders. People with comorbid conditions like depression, anxiety, or drug prescriptions also have an increased risk.
  • Environmental factors: A person’s environment plays an important role in eating disorders. From family dynamics to observed eating disorders, what a person is exposed to can increase their chances of developing one.

5 Strategies for Managing an Eating Disorder

Eating disorder management is a lifelong road. Adding the right tools and strategies to your arsenal can help you manage an eating disorder and avoid triggers so you can enjoy social situations stress-free.

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Plan to address triggers

Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid all triggers. Especially at family gatherings and social events, people with eating disorders face difficult situations that can interfere with their recovery.

Establishing a plan will ensure that you are not caught off guard or surprised by what people say or do. And if you’re dealing with triggers, you know how to ease the stress and respond appropriately to your needs. Maintaining healthy coping skills and strategies is difficult when you’re stressed. Anticipate stress and giving yourself a plan can help you stay on top of things.

Listen to your body

Whether you are a seasoned intuitive eater or not, it is crucial that you pay attention to what your body is telling you. Throughout outings, note feelings of hunger or fullness and don’t ignore them. It’s okay to give your body the things it needs.

As much as you can, avoid a cycle of deprivation, which can make you feel overwhelmed and out of control in social settings. It’s also good to stick to your normal mealtimes during your healing journey.

Don’t Give Up on Self-Care

Self-care is a simple tool but one of the most important aspects of living with an eating disorder is stress management. If you’re feeling anxious or on edge, take a step back and do something relaxing. It could be something as simple as snuggling up to a pet, spending time alone, or going for a walk.

Schedule time to take care of yourself during big events. It keeps you in control and ensures you have the space to meet your needs. Be sure not to overbook or stretch too much. Eliminating unnecessary plans or obligations gives you time to implement self-care.

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Focus on self-compassion

Just because you’re struggling or living with a life disorder doesn’t mean you’re failing. Living with eating disorders is difficult and you deserve compassion, especially from yourself. Self-compassion doesn’t excuse the things you don’t like or are not proud of; it is to give oneself a little grace to continue on one’s way.

Start by making a efforts to recognize and eliminate negative self-talk. Reframe automatic negative thinking about yourself into something more productive. And never forget to celebrate the victories and progress you’ve made.

Self-compassion tips to use in group settings:

  • Avoid perfectionism. Set goals or standards that you can meet.
  • Give yourself room to make mistakes or indulge.
  • Remember that food provides your body with essential nutrients.

Communicate boundaries

Set limits can minimize accidental triggers from friends and family who may comment on what you eat or your body. If your trigger is a discussion about dieting or pressure to eat more, tell your family and friends so they can be aware of what they’re talking about. You can ensure you don’t get pushed too far by having the conversation early and as often as needed.

You can also designate a buddy to watch over you throughout the night. Lean on them if you feel overwhelmed.

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How to Get Help for an Eating Disorder

Recovery of a eating disorder is a long journey; you don’t have to do it alone. A support system of family and friends is essential, but it’s not the only resource you have. If you’re losing weight, experiencing physical symptoms, or feel like you’re out of control, see a healthcare professional who has experience with eating disorders. You will learn coping mechanisms and strategies to regain control of your condition through therapy.

You can also use the research tool from the National Eating Disorder Association to find local treatment resources.

In addition, crisis intervention resources are available.

If you want to learn more about mental health, find out how cognitive behavioral therapy and mental health apps can help you on your wellness journey.

The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute medical or health advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have about a medical condition or health goals.

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