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Silence, snake and giant ship: Here are the five most popular news videos of the year

5. The fifth most viewed video of the year on SVT Nyheter Stockholm’s site is about a fascinating giant insect:

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Hear butterfly expert Mikael Odell tell about how he believes one of the world’s largest butterflies, an Atlas spinner, ended up in Gamla Stan. Photo: private/SVT

4. In fourth place we find Sir Väs, aka Houdini, whose homecoming attracted attention:

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Jonas Wahlström: “I can guarantee that the Skansen Aquarium is completely safe” Photo: private, SVT

3. Images from a surveillance camera showed how a woman pushed a man down on the subway track:

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Warning for nasty images in the clip. Just as a train was entering the station, the woman pushed the man down onto the track. Photo: From the police preliminary investigation

Here tells an on-site witness to the incident. The woman was then sentenced to forensic psychiatric care with a special discharge examination for attempted murder.

2. A 257 meter long landing ship parked between Södermalm and Gamla stan one weekend in June. The engaged many Stockholmers:

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About 70 meters longer than a normal Finnish ferry, the USS Kearsarge is quite visible as it makes its way through the Stockholm archipelago. And several waited at Furusund to see the ship pass, see more in the video. Photo: Tomas Blideman, SVT

1. The most viewed clip by far was… this:

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See the almost thirty-second-long silence that occurs after SVT’s question to the deputy chairman of the municipal board about whether the money that goes to the politicians’ increased salaries could have been used for something else. Photo: Tomas Blideman/SVT
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