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Silicone: myths and truths about implants | metropolises

Despite having lost popularity, breast implants are still the most common aesthetic procedure in Brazil, accounting for 15.8% of surgeries. Even so, many doubts persist about how the application is made, its care and its contraindications, even for people who have already decided to increase the breast.

The size, shape and type of implant used will depend on the patient’s preferences and the plastic surgeon’s recommendations. “Everything will be agreed upon during the consultation”, explains plastic surgeon Marcelo Kolling.

What’s the first step?

To place silicone, you first need to choose the right plastic surgeon to perform the procedure. Choosing a professional is an important personal decision that determines the final surgical result. So take your time and do your careful research and choose a surgeon you feel comfortable and confident with.

Read more about the myths and truths about implants at Health up to datepartner of metropolises.

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