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Since January, INPS has increased the allowance for these pensioners: keep an eye on your bank account or post office

From January the INPS increases the allowance to these

From 1 January for many pensioners the INPS slip will be higher, the same also applies to holders of the social allowance. Here’s how much it will increase and what the income limits will be.

During this Christmas there are many pensioners who will be able to toast with a little more cheer thanks to the increase foreseen for pensions. Indeed, the new year brings good news for many retireesbut especially for those to whom the law has provided for an economic benefit of a welfare nature. That is for social allowance holdersdisbursed upon request to Italian and foreign citizens in difficult economic conditions, with incomes below the annually established thresholds. They are entitled to the check in full amount, equal to 469.03 euros per monthunmarried individuals with an annual income of 6,097.39 euros. While formarried subjects those who have an annual income of 12,194.78 euros.

On the other hand, unmarried subjects with an income lower than the annual amount of the allowance are entitled to the reduced amount. As well as married subjects with a family income between the annual amount of the allowance and double the annual amount of the allowance. With the circular no. 135 of 22 December 2022, INPS announces important news for social security recipients.

Good news starting from January the INPS increases the social allowance for its married and unmarried holders

With the aforementioned circular, INPS informs that it has concluded the revaluation of pensions and welfare benefits necessary for their payment in 2023. Therefore it illustrates the operations carried out in detail. Thanks to the annual reassessment, which for 2023 is equal to 7.3%, pensions in the new year will be increased. Therefore, in the circular, the Institute reports the provisional values ​​for 2023. It also highlights that the amount of the minimum treatment is also used as a basis for identifying the recognition limits for income-related benefits.

Therefore starting from January the INPS increases lsocial allowance the amount of which will be 503.27 euros with an annual income of 6,542.51 euros. If, on the other hand, the holder and/or spouse have income, the amount of the benefit will be correspondingly reduced. Particularly, for unmarried subjects the annual income must not exceed 6,542.51 euros. While in the case of married subjects the annual income will have to must not exceed 13,085.02 euros.

Required income in case of

How to request it

The age of access for the social allowance it continues to be 67 years old and the request can show up through the usual INPS channels. Particularly online to INPS through the dedicated service.

We can contact the contact

Alternatively, you can call the Contact Center on 803 164, free from a landline or on 06 164 164 from a mobile network. While those who prefer it can present it by contacting the Patronage bodies and intermediaries of the Institute.

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