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Since when will the Law on Alcohol 0 behind the wheel come into force in La Plata and the province?

The Legislature of the province of Buenos Aires has already sanctioned the initiative sent by the Buenos Aires Government and which contemplates penalties that include fines, arrest, license retention and disqualification from driving to those who have violated the prohibition to drive after having drunk alcohol.

In this way, the permitted degree of 500 milligrams of alcohol per liter of blood.

The Minister of Transportation of the province of Buenos Aires, Jorge D’Onofrioestimated that in the course of this week the law that establishes zero tolerance of alcohol in blood for drivers of vehicles and it will be effective from January 1, 2023 throughout the district.

“We are working on the regulations and regulations and we estimate that this week it will be published in the Official Gazette to apply from January,” the official said.

He added that “the project was sent to the Legislature in February and work began in commissions in March, which allowed it to acquire a great debate and it will be approved unanimously.”

“From the middle of the year to here, the infractions for breathalyzer have been decreasing in a sustained manner. This shows us that people began to become aware, which is the true objective of this law,” he said in statements to Radio Provincia.

The new law also contemplates the obligation to attend special education and training courses for the correct use of public roads.

D’Onofrio remarked that “this is for all the people who circulate through the public space in the province of Buenos Aires” and reiterated that “it will contribute to lowering the accident rates, taking into account that 44% are linked to alcohol with the accident rate”.

Alcohol is present in one in four road accidents and is the leading cause of death for children under 35 years of age.

In addition, during 2022 there were 6,162 drink-driving offenses on routes, streets and roads in the province of Buenos Aires, according to the annual report of the Road Safety Observatory of the Buenos Aires Ministry of Transportation.

From now on, those who drive with values ​​of up to 499 milligrams will receive three months of disqualification from driving.

If the alcohol level is between 500 and 999 milligrams, the penalty will be six months.

Meanwhile, people who circulate with rates between 1,000 and 1,500 milligrams of alcohol per liter of blood will be disabled for 18 months.

Finally, those who exceed 1,500 milligrams will not be able to drive for a period of 18 months.

During the first year of validity of the law, people who drive with a rate of up to 499 milligrams per liter of blood will only be penalized with the attendance and approval of special education and training courses for the correct use of public roads.

The province of Buenos Aires thus joins Chaco, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Rioja, Río Negro, Salta, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán with Alcohol Cero at the wheel.

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