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Situation in Soledar is coming to a head ++ Reservists are for Leopard deliveries

Ukrainian soldiers hold the position in Soledar. Image: AP / Roman Chop


Almost eleven months after the start of the Russian war of aggression on the Ukraine fighting in eastern Ukraine has intensified. The fighting in the city of Soledar is currently particularly fierce. Despite the heaviest fighting in the Donbass, Selenskyj sees no way for the Russian attackers to get through in the east and promises reinforcements to the defenders.

In Russia the holidays end after the turn of the year and politics returns to everyday life. At the front the Russian troops are likely to continue their attacks on Bakhmut and Soledar in hopes of a breakthrough. Recently there has been repeated speculation about a renewed Russian attack on Ukraine from Belarusian territory.

10. January

8.13am: Russia is making headway north of Bakhmut, according to London

According to British estimates, Russian forces are making slight progress in the fighting for the eastern Ukrainian town of Bakhmut. Regular troops and units of the Wagner mercenary group have made tactical advances into the small town of Soledar, ten kilometers north, over the past four days and probably controlled most of the town, the Ministry of Defense in London said in its daily intelligence briefing on Tuesday.

Bachmut remains the primary target of the Russian offensive, it said. The advance to Soledar should encircle the city from the north and cut off Ukrainian lines of communication.

The small towns of Soledar and Bachmut are of great tactical importance for both sides. Image: AP / Roman Chop

The fighting focused on approaches to disused salt mine tunnels that run under the area and are around 200 kilometers long. “Both sides are probably concerned that they could be used to infiltrate behind their lines,” the statement said in London. Despite the increased pressure on Bakhmut, it is unlikely that Russia will take the city anytime soon, as Ukrainian forces have established stable defenses and continue to control supply routes.

5.01 a.m .: According to Selenskyj, Soledar was almost completely destroyed

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has described the situation in the heavily contested city of Soledar in the eastern region of Donetsk as highly tense. “It’s very difficult: There are hardly any intact walls left there,” Zelenskyj said in his video message on Tuesday night with a view of the Ukrainian soldiers in the badly damaged city.

Deputy Defense Minister Maljar had previously reported that the Russians were continuing to carry out heavy attacks on Soledar. “After an unsuccessful attempt to capture Soledar in the Donetsk region, the enemy regrouped, changed tactics and launched a new, violent attack,” Maljar wrote on Telegram. On the Russian side, it is primarily members of the notorious mercenary group Wagner who are deployed.

The head of the Wagner group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, deploys his dreaded mercenary force in Soledar. Image: AP / Uncredited

Soledar and neighboring Bakhmut are part of the Ukrainian defensive wall in front of the conurbation between Sloviansk and Kramatorsk. From the Russian point of view, the capture of this area would be a significant step towards the conquest of the entire Donbass – one of the Kremlin’s war aims.

4.58 a.m .: Reservists Association advocates Leopard delivery

The President of the Bundeswehr Reserves Association, Patrick Sensburg, also spoke out in favor of supplying Leopard tanks to Ukraine. “As an infantry fighting vehicle, the Marder offers the opportunity to move soldiers quickly from one place to another,” he told the editorial network Germany (RND) with regard to the federal government’s decision to supply martens.

“It is most effective in combination – ideally with the Leopard battle tank, of course. That’s why supporting it with battle tanks is the next logical step.” The delivery of battle tanks of a different type from another country is also conceivable.

Older news for war in Ukraine you can find here.

(With material from dpa/afp)

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