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Skating: Gilles Beyer, the alleged attacker of champion Sarah Abitbol, ​​is dead

Gilles Beyer died on Thursday January 19. The information was confirmed to us on the phone by his ex-wife, Katia Krier. The figure skating coach, whom Sarah Abitbol pointed out as the one who raped her when she was 15, has died at the age of 66. Following the skater’s revelations at the end of January 2020, in the book “Un si long silence” and in “l’Obs”, the director of the Flying French had been dismissed from his club, and a judicial inquiry had been opened. Sarah had not filed a complaint, the facts concerning her being prescribed. Gilles Beyer, however, apologized publicly, acknowledging only “ inappropriate gestures “. In the process, other skaters had come forward to the investigators. In January 2021, the ex-coach was indicted for “sexual assault” and ” sexual harassment “, before being placed under judicial supervision.

INVESTIGATION. Figure skating: the club of sexual predators

We reached Sarah Abitbol on the phone this Friday, January 20, while she was in Vienna, preparing for a “Holiday on Ice” tour. ” I just heard the news, she told us, visibly shaken. ” I am in shock. He leaves before being judged, I would have liked there to be a trial… (silence) It’s crazy, this death comes just a week before my show, where I talk about this trauma, the liberation of my speech, my rebirth, and my return to the ice… God has decided so. »

Rape in skating: a champion breaks the omerta

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