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Ski slopes closed due to the warm European winter

Despite fears about the cold winter in Europe, the opposite happened: all heat records were broken throughout the Old Continent. One of the sectors most affected by the warmth of this winter were the ski slopes, many of which had to be closed in the middle of the season due to the high temperatures.

Source: (DW Spanish)

eight countries of Europe They experienced the hottest day in January in their entire history: some regions of Switzerland and Germany registered 20 degrees, in what should be the coldest part of winter. According to the country where Roger Federer was born, temperatures in the north of the Alps were “worthy of June”, the hottest month of the year in the Old Continent.

One of the most affected places is the Adelboden resort, located in the Swiss mountains, where the Ski World Cup will take place over the weekend. From the winter competition track of EuropeThey stated that almost the entire race will be run this year on artificial snow, with temperatures that are above freezing, even in areas located at more than 2,000 meters above sea level.

There is little snow in Adelboden.

“There was a good start to the season, with a icy wave in mid-December that allowed everyone to get a bit of snow. However, the last week was plagued by rain and warm temperatures, which is why we had to close the slopes for everyone again,” Laurent Reynaud told The Guardian.representative of Domaine Skiable de France, about the state of these resorts located in the old continent.

warm christmas

This climate change seems out of season in various locations, not only in the most hidden among the mountains, but also in Spain, where temperatures of more than 25 degrees were measured in cities such as Bilbao (10 degrees more than in other years on the same date).

In parts of Spain a summer Christmas was lived.

In that city, the New Year was celebrated with temperatures similar to those they have during the month of July, and in Barcelona and other parts of Catalonia there are restrictions on the use of water.

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