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Sleeping well is part of your exercise routine

Adrián Basilio/Agencia Reforma

viernes, 12 may 2023 | 06:59

Mexico City.- The exercise affects health and is more than proven. However, the physical activity must be carried out on the ground under the indication of specialists in terms of time and intensity, also at a specific time in the morning.

Many will ask why at that time and the answer is very simple: because that way the body is better benefited and it is not affected in some important parts of the daily routine that are rest and recovery through sleep.

If doing exercise provides a better sleep, which impacts on the physical and emotional state, it is also clear that to be able to carry out any physical activity, especially in the morning, you must have had a pleasant sleep.

According to researchers from the Clínica de Disorders del Sueño de la UNAM, there is a direct relationship between exercise and good sleep because doing the latter, the organism restores itself to face the next day.

While I sleep, the organism recovers and at the same time hormones are generated that benefit it, such as growth, so sleeping is a fundamental biological activity for physical and mental health.

Deep sleep has important functions for development, growth, strengthening of the immune system, brain and cognitive function. During sleep, the muscles, tissues and the brain are restored, in addition to which the respiratory and heart rates decrease, all important functions for the neurotransmitters and the production of hormones such as growth and satiety (leptin and ghrelin), which regulate food intake.

Even though in the current times the stresses of the big cities do damage to the human being and more time is required to relax and rest, the human being must dedicate to sleep between 7 and 8 hours on average.

Tips to conciliate the sleep

– Meditate.

– Perform yoga and/or deep breathing exercises.

– Listen to relaxing music.

– Avoid eating grease or irritants before going to bed.

– Hydrate properly.

– Do not consume alcohol or stimulants such as coffee or chocolate.

– Your bed, and in general the room where you sleep as well as the clothes to make it, should be as comfortable as possible and be lit with dim light.

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