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Sling: "We will never leave MotoGP"

Sling: "We will never leave MotoGP"

Lto ‘scared’ of Suzuki leaving MotoGP at the end of 2022 and the crisis of Honda or Yamaha, last in the Constructors’ World Championship in 2023, have fueled the idea that the two great Japanese brands could leave the highest competition in world motorcycling. In fact, in the ‘paddock’ there is some fear, despite the commitments made. Also the situation of Marc Márquezwith injuries and doubts, the confusion increases.

Within the framework of Suzuka 8 Hours -that Honda won- spoke Koji Watanabe, President of HRCin an interview with Akira Nishimura, a freelance journalist, who is published in the Japanese outlet Shueisha Shinsho.

The leader gives the causes of Honda’s bad moment in MotoGP. “It’s hard to pinpoint the cause, but I think one of the reasons is that we have not made any drastic changes in our working methods due to our previous performances. We’re making an effort, but instead of changing the way we do things, we’ve been moving forward with development in a cumulative way. We are evolving step by step, but our competitors may be changing their development methods more drastically. As a result, while our competitors have made great strideswe are progressing cumulatively, and I think that is the reason why suddenly the difference was made”, he exposes, admitting that they are slow in their reactions and little reactive to changes.

The manager admits that the treatment of telemetry and other parameters must be updated. “That way of accumulating conventional methods of prototyping real vehicles and listening to feedback is not a bad thing, of course, but maybe we need a way to use more data“, Add.

Watanabe asserts that everyone at Honda knows how bad they are. “I have a great sense of danger. The Honda Group as a whole regards the current situation as a major problem. Including Honda president Toshihiro mibewe believe that We must do something about this situation as soon as possible,” loose.

But it looks complex to fix it from one day to the next. “I’m aware of it will not be so easy. Currently, the development of the 2024 MotoGP is progressing rapidly, but with so many things to decide now, do we really understand all our weaknesses? If we can do it right, we will have a bike to be able to fight reasonably in 2024. To be honest, I can’t say there’s any proof yet of that“, loose.

Features Marc Marquez

The executive reveals conversations with the eighth champion, whom he feels involved. “We have no choice but to build fast bikes that can win. Every time I go to MotoGP, I always have a long talk with Marc. We have to build and give you the bike you want, and we will do it as soon as possible.. Also, since he has his own times, if there’s something we don’t agree with, it’s possible that each decision can be made in due time. However, both he and we have found a common goal. Let’s work together and let’s work hard together without giving up until the end,” he proclaims.

When asked if Honda can leave the World Cup, he is resounding. “We will never leave MotoGP”lance.

The president of HRC confesses that they will dedicate more staff, some who come from four wheels, and, in the future, more money. “It’s about a increase in the number of employees that has not been seen in recent years in MotoGP”, he indicates.

yes to concessions

Watanabe is also clear on whether they would put their honor aside and accept that Dorna and the other manufacturers allow concessions to HRC to improve technically. “For us, if we are given a concession, it will be a blessing because development will advance better if it arrives. If there is consensus from all, we cannot say that we will not take advantage of the opportunities that we have. In other words, if a concession is given, we will do it,” he says.

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