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SMHI warns: Great risk of flooding

As for the red and orange warnings for high water flows and floods in several places in southern Sweden, the culmination seems to be reached on Monday or Tuesday.

Red warnings apply to the upper parts of Ätran and Viskan, where rain and snowmelt have caused the lakes upstream to be heavily filled with water. In Nissan at the height of Småland’s Gnosjö, the warning has been upgraded to orange.

– Hopefully it will ease during the week and at the end of next week we can have a calmer situation with fewer warnings out there, but it is a little too early to say, says Fredrik Schück, hydrologist on duty at SMHI.

“All land is saturated”

However, SMHI does not charge anything in advance, but will probably leave the warnings in place for most of next week.

– If there is more rain, the levels will quickly become high again, basically all land south of Örebro is saturated.

The persistent rain that many have experienced in the south is finding its way north and has turned into snow from northwest Svealand upwards. According to SMHI, which issued a yellow warning, the snowfall can be heavy, wet and difficult along the Norrland coast during the evening and night towards Monday.

In southernmost Sweden there is a warning of strong winds.

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Hear SVT’s meteorologist Nils Holmqvist. Photo: SVT
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