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Smoke bomb explodes: Japan’s Prime Minister brought to safety

According to media reports, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has been evacuated from the site of a speech in the port city of Wakayama after an explosion was heard. There, Kishida wanted to speak in support of a candidate from his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

As the Kyodo news agency and other media reported on Saturday, a “smoke bomb” was apparently thrown. However, there is no evidence of injuries or damage.

The NHK television reported that one person had been arrested. The prime minister is unharmed. The channel showed images of security guards and police officers holding one person while the crowd dispersed.

Kishida apologizes

There was initially no official confirmation of the incident. Local police declined to comment. However, NHK quoted Prime Minister Kishida as saying the police were investigating the details. He wants to apologize for “troubled and troubled many people‘ said Kishida accordingly.

He also said, according to NHK, that he would continue his campaign tour after the incident. “There is an important election for our country and we have to work together and see this through,” said the prime minister.

The assassination of Kishida’s predecessor

After the assassination of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in July 2022, Japan tightened its security measures. In July last year, Kishida’s predecessor was shot dead on the street during a campaign speech in the old imperial city of Nara.

The assassination attempt on the prime minister caused outrage around the world. The meeting of the heads of state and government of the G7 countries is to take place in Hiroshima in May. (AFP/dpa)

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