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Smoke is reported at the Etiopía station on Metro Line 3

Users report the presence of smoke in Metro Etiopia on Line 3 | Special

On the afternoon of this Friday, users who were traveling in the Subway Line 3 they evicted a train in the ethiopia station due to the presence of smoke in one of the wagons.

According to the first reports, the smoke was momentary, since after a few minutes it ceased, so the driver of the Drive Unit 0426-0427 advanced in the direction of Indios Verdes.

“being approximately at 5:28 p.m. on the platform on the tracks above the train with the Motriz 0426-0427 in which a significant presence of smoke was observed in the last car and when checking with the personal bank police driver, he reports that it was no longer observed in said car smoke outlet likewise, the train continues its march in the direction of va indios verdes”, reported the Metro through an information card.

Subsequently, at 614 hours, the Metro reported that the service was restored on Line 3 of the Metro a month after the collision of two trains occurred, which caused the death of the young Yaretzi and the injury of 106 people.

“Service is normal in the Line 3, after the revision of a train in the Ethiopia station, the eviction was not necessary and the train continued its march”, reported the Metro.

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