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SNCF "privatized"? Resumed by Internet users, Clémentine Autain admits a "mistake"

The rebellious deputy was mistaken in evoking on Twitter a “privatization of the SNCF” on Sunday, which Internet users had not failed to notice. She reconsiders her remarks and denounces “opening up to competition and liberalisation”, which “lead to a deterioration in traffic”.

“A mistake on the term”. Guest of Sud Radio on Tuesday, Clémentine Autain returned to a tweet published this Sunday in which she denounced the “privatization of the SNCF”, after a two-hour delay on her Toulouse-Paris train.

This formula had made many Internet users react. Which reminded the rebellious MP that the state remained the sole shareholder of the company.


“I make a mistake on the term because there is no privatization. The exact term is liberalization”, explained the elected representative of Seine-Saint-Denis.

“I compared the situation to that of England,” continued Clémentine Autain.

“In England, gradually, they privatized. And when privatization was ripe, what happened were chain delays, deteriorating transport quality and rising costs. , they renationalized.”

Admittedly, the SNCF is not privatized, but “it is obliged to prepare for profitability because it is opening up to competition”, underlined Clémentine Autain. According to her, “opening up to competition and liberalization lead to a deterioration in traffic”.

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